Build community and gospel impact
Sunday Mornings
Join us for coffee and donuts in our fellowship area beginning at 9:30am. There are Sunday School programs for all age ranges with a nursery team providing care for infants. Worship service begins at 10:30am with Children’s Church provided through 6th grade. Nursery service is also available.
Sunday Evenings
Service begins at 6:00pm.
Interested in joining the choir? Great, we would love to have you! Mark Roseberry is our Choir Director and leads practice each Sunday night at 7pm.
Men’s Ministry
Join us for a men’s breakfast the first Saturday of each month at 8:30am. We also complete community projects anytime there is a 5th Saturday.
Women’s Ministry
Ladies of all ages uniting to serve both within and beyond our church walls. Join us for our monthly meetings every 2nd Saturday morning at 10:30 to serve both within and beyond our church walls.